- Industries
- Aviation Advisory
- Business Risk
- Consulting
- Deal Advisory
- Financial Accounting and Advisory
- Forensic Accounting
- Restructuring
- Risk Advisory
- Sustainability Advisory
- Audit
- Financial Services
- Tax
- Case Alerts
- International Business
- Interviews
- Bridging the gender pay gap: From compliance to competitive advantage
- Omnibus explained: Comparing existing legislation and proposed amendments
- The Omnibus Package and CSRD: What is your destination now?
- FRS 102 Periodic Review Series – Accounting for Leases
- Cut hospital costs and enhance patient care with predictive analytics
- Managing AML and responsible gambling in a shifting landscape
- The changing landscape: The evolution of CSRD and sustainability reporting
- Residential Zoned Land Tax (“RZLT”): Key Considerations for Landowners
- FRS 102 Periodic Review Series – Accounting for Revenues
- EFRAG releases the Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard for non-listed SMEs (VSME)
- VAT on virtual events to change from 1 January 2025
- Enhanced Reporting Requirements: Ensure Compliance Before 31 December 2024
- Potential CSRD, CS3D and Taxonomy merger may ease regulatory burden
- 2025 Reinsurance Renewal Insights
- Navigating Ireland's R&D tax credit: A comprehensive guide
- Why tax is essential for comprehensive and transparent CSRD reporting
- How personal insolvency can prevent repossession of your property
- The latest updates on Companies House reform
- Packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs)
- PAYE Settlement Agreement: Employer End of Year Reporting
- Exploring the rules and requirements of the Digital Markets Act
- Four non-negotiable and practical steps for CSRD implementation
- MiFID II Marketing Communications Requirements – “Dear CEO” Letter
- Determining gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act
- Company Vehicle BIK rules from 1 January 2025
- CRS Amendments Ahead
- Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework: Key Elements
- DORA compliance: Four tips for enhancing third-party management
- Introduction to AI Literacy for Actuaries
- Budget 2025: Enhancing Ireland’s R&D tax credit
- Digital Markets Act: An Overview of the New EU Regulation
- CBI's Dear CEO: Assessment of Consumer Protection in Insurance
- DORA & the future of banking resilience in Ireland
- EU Introduces Regulation to Modernise Payments and Enhance Consumer Protection
- Is your business sufficiently protected against cyberattack?
- Banking 2025: Emerging Risks and the Regulatory Agenda
- EU anti-money laundering reform
- Big Tech: Adapting to A New Regulatory Reality
- Safeguarding Society: Financial Crash Lessons Shaping AI's Future
- ECB publish draft guidance on governance and risk culture
- Countdown to compliance: Five practical steps for becoming DORA ready
- Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA): Regulation Summary
- Budget 2025: Our key recommendations
- Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) Compliance: Key Regulatory Updates
- Worldwide IT outage – how exposed are you?
- Summer Economic Statement – Reaction
- Preventing Fraud – How to recognise a fraudster
- Update on Regulatory Expectations for Captive Insurers
- Women in leadership: a pathway to better performance
- Addressing climate change as the Head of Actuarial Function
- Changes to Company Size Criteria
- Crypto regulation: Introduction of MiCA into the EU regulatory landscape
- Employment Tax: Current Revenue Intervention Issues
- Small Company Administrative Rescue Process (SCARP)
- Understanding Receivership: Essential Guide for Creditors
- Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation: What you need to know
- Court Liquidation: Key Steps and Benefits
- VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) approaches: are you ready?
- Determining the employment status of an individual
- Basel, CRR III and CRD VI Regulatory Change Programme(s)
- Tax Facts 2024
- Debt Warehousing Scheme Deadline: 1 May 2024
- Sustainability: A team sport that needs a captain
- Consumer Protection Code Revisions: Key Changes & Challenges
- CBI's Regulatory and Supervisory Priorities 2024: Spotlight on (Re)Insurance
- Retirement relief: tax changes impacting family business transfers in Ireland
- CAT loans from close relatives – mandatory tax filing
- EU Direct Tax Newsletter
- Asset valuation: Is your framework fit for purpose?
- Navigating the ESA’s second round of Consultation Papers on DORA
- UK Overseas Fund Regime: New Requirements
- Trends in technology risks 2024
- Irish Revenue and Requests for Transfer Pricing (‘TP’) Documentation
- European Commission Proposals on BEFIT and Transfer Pricing
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
- Pensioneer Trustee Services
- CESOP Tax Alert
- The changing face of fraud risk
- Share Options: New employer PAYE reporting requirements from 1 January 2024
- AI sparks new cybersecurity challenges for businesses
- R&D Tax Credit – Finance Bill 2023 Updates
- CSRD reporting: What you need to know
- Cybersecurity strategies to mitigate AI risks
- 7 data privacy considerations in AI adoption
- 5 cybersecurity risks in AI adoption
- Trade vs Private Equity: Understanding Acquirers for Optimal Deals
- CBI publishes final IAF guidance
- DAC8 has landed
- Tax Transparency: Amendments to the Common Reporting Standard
- Good governance: building a culture of trust and transparency
- Individual Accountability Framework Assurance Reviews
- Transforming Project Delivery through Agile
- BEFIT: One Stop Shop?
- Importance of Overall Recovery Capacity (ORC) in recovery planning
- Roadmap for the Introduction of a Participation Exemption to Irish Corporation Tax
- Wind-Down of Trading Books – An ECB Occasional Paper Series
- EU-UK Divergence in Financial Services Regulation
- Choosing the Right Lender and Debt-Financing for Your Business
- An Introduction to Debt Advisory
- Guidance for (Re)insurance Undertakings on Intragroup Transactions and Exposures
- BEFIT – Business in Europe: Framework for Taxation
- Defective Concrete Products Levy – Legislative Amendment Announced
- Has your finance department considered an interim staffing solution?
- FRED 82 – Periodic Updates to FRS 100 – 105
- Three Priority Areas on Your Counterparty Credit Risk Framework Implementation
- Share-Based Remuneration: Revenue’s Compliance Focus
- Employer Reporting of Benefits: Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR)
- Embedding an effective conduct-focused culture in wholesale market firms
- Irish Tax Treatment of Employee Benefits
- DORA: A summary of the evolving technical guidance
- Gender Pay Gap Reporting and Why It Matters
- Training a workforce for an unknown future
- EU Commission opens public consultation on first delegated acts for “Set 1” ESRSs
- Updates to Ireland’s Special Assignee Relief Programme (SARP)
- Updates to the Administration of Ireland’s Non-Resident Landlord Withholding Tax (NLWT) and Implementation of the New NLWT System
- Policy Options to Reduce the Climate Insurance Protection Gap
- Maintaining Compliance with New EU Pension Directive IORP II
- Managing KYC refresh challenges with a service-based approach
- Global Mobility Updates: Irish Revenue Issues New Guidance for Irish and Foreign Employers
- Intermediaries
- DAC 7 – Reporting Obligations for Digital Platforms
- Pillar Two Recent Updates
- Pillar Two
- Future of Irish Food
- Auditor transition: how to achieve a smooth changeover
- New mandatory identity verification requirement for directors
- Guidance for (Re)Insurance Undertakings on Climate Change Risk
- DORA: Security Testing Requirements
- Cost Optimisation
- What are sustainability scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?
- The Digital Services Act
- The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or “CSRD”
- The Individual Accountability Framework – Key Highlights from the CBI Guidance
- Transfer Pricing: OECD guidance on multilateral Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAPs) and Advance Pricing Arrangements (APAs)
- Central Bank's Expectations on Outsourcing
- The new R&D regime
- Further updates to the TBESS
- ATAD III Update: European Parliament publishes proposed amendments
- Central Bank Flags Weaknesses in VASP AML/CFT Frameworks
- CBI’s Findings and Expectations for Payment and E-Money Firms
- Digital Games Tax Credit
- Internal audit empowers third-party risk management
- BEFIT - Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation
- Central Bank of Ireland Feedback on Recovery Plans
- PAYE Risk Review
- Capital Allowances
- Rent Tax Credit
- Research & Development (R&D) tax credit regime
- How change management can help your strategy succeed
- Special Assignee Relief Programme (SARP): Employer Year End Obligations
- Court of Justice of the European Union - GE Aircraft Engine Services Ltd
- Share Scheme Reporting: Deadline – 31 March 2025
- DAC8 is still coming, but not quite as close
- Updates to the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (“TBESS”)
- Simplifying Group Structures: Group Rationalisation
- PSD 3 Review and Consultation
- Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (“TBESS”) and other supports
- Transfer Pricing Correlative Adjustments
- Individual Accountability Framework – Regulatory Impact Analysis
- Final guidelines on common procedures and methodologies for the SREP for investment firms
- Countercyclical Capital Buffer Rate Announcement
- Consumer Protection (Regulation of Retail Credit and Credit Servicing Firms) Act 2022
- ATAD III Update: European Parliament publishes further proposed amendments
- Debt Warehousing Scheme and Self-review of tax affairs
- DEBRA – Debt-Equity Bias Reduction Allowance
- Fitness and Probity Interviews
- DAC8 is coming
- Changes to the Outsourcing legislation, specifically when offshoring
- Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP) - CBI Bulletin
- Integrating sustainability risks in insurance governance
- The Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Act 2021
- Recovery Planning
- Strike off - Irish registered companies
- Irish Transfer Pricing Documentation – What do you need to know?
- Central Bank Expectations on Outsourcing
- Tax concession for Ukrainian citizens working remotely in Ireland
- Coming to America
- The Individual Accountability Framework - Key Takeaways from Pre-Legislative Scrutiny
- The Individual Accountability Framework - An Overview
- Why do you need to have the company registers?
- Sustainability risk-related legislative updates impacting UCITS Management Companies
- New Code of Practice for Revenue Compliance Interventions
- Why People are critical in the Change Process
- Prudential Consolidation and consolidated K-Factors: What to Expect under the IFR & IFD?
- EBA Consultation Paper on Draft ITS Pillar 3 Disclosures on ESG Risks
- Statutory Annual VAT adjustment
- Maximising your pension contributions: more than just tax relief
- Delegated Acts incorporating sustainability issues and considerations
- Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Trusts (CRBOT)
- Guidance on PAYE Exclusion Orders and bonus payments
- Irish Real Estate Fund (“IREF”) Returns
- Going Concern - Responsibilities of Management and directors
- Recovery planning requirement for (re)insurance undertakings
- Disclosure and Reporting Requirements: What to Expect under the IFR & IFD?
- Anti-Hybrid Mismatch Rules: Beware of Mismatch Outcomes
- DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act)
- Proposed New Cybersecurity Directive (NIS 2.0)
- Remote Working Abroad – Irish Tax Considerations
- Irish Transfer Pricing Guide
- Share schemes reporting deadline
- Irish Investment Limited Partnership (ILP)
- Liquidity Requirements: what to expect under the IFR & IFD?
- Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) tax liabilities
- Brexit agreement - What should businesses do?
- Capital Requirements: what is changing under the new prudential regime?
- MOSS & Brexit
- Liquidating an Irish Collective Asset management Vehicle (ICAV)
- ESMA Guidelines on performance fees in UCITS and certain types of AIFs
- Debt Warehousing income tax liabilities
- July Job Stimulus - main tax measures to support companies
- Directors' Compliance Statement: Are you up to date?
- Short- term Business Visitors: Updated Revenue Guidance
- WeLearn by Grant Thornton
- Compliance with CP116
- Do companies take cybersecurity seriously enough?
- 6 ways to make the web safe for your children
- Personal Public Service (PPS) number
- Quarterly indirect tax update - January 2020
- Grant Thornton: The fastest-growing firm in the fastest-growing region
- Changes announced to subsistence allowances in Ireland
- Data protection as a service
- Introduction of Brexit Omnibus Bill
- People and Change Consulting - Change management
- GDPR for charities
- An Teampall Geal - Issue 1
- Entrepreneur relief
- Family partnerships
- VAT registration and filing obligations for a business seeking to locate to Ireland
- VAT return of trading details
- Irish Country-by-Country reporting
- VAT treatment of payment services
- Section 110 companies - New notification requirements
- Foreign Earnings Deduction (FED)
- Restricted share schemes
- Asset Management: Creating growth
- Does your VAT 56B Authorisation Certificate require renewal?
- Navigating BEPS: Managing tax risk
- A Programme for a Partnership Government - Tax thoughts
- The Companies Act: Companies Limited by Guarantee
- The Companies Act 2014: Exemption from disclosing your residential address
- The Companies Act 2014 - LTD or DAC
- The Companies Act 2014: Directors' duties
- The Companies Act 2014: Directors’ loans and advances
- The Companies Act 2014: Audit committees
- Effective boards in not-for-profit organisations
- Not-for-profit organisations - VAT considerations
- Podcasts
- Webinars
- Accounting in the future
- Charging negative interest
- Charitable trust in Ireland
- ChatGPT and Beyond: Microsoft’s Vision for the Future of Conversational Artificial Intelligence
- Constitutional changes for charities
- CRD V Package
- DAC 6 - the EU Mandatory Disclosure Requirement
- Know Your Customer (KYC) Support Built for a Changing Landscape
- Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II compliance function requirements
- How to reduce and defer your VAT liability
- Introduction of Temporary VAT measures
- Investment Firms Regulation and Directive: what is needed from firms?
- Irish Charities – Accounting and Auditing Update
- Is it time to admit that it’s over (with your ERP)?
- MiFID Corporate Governance Code: what is needed from firms?
- Operational Resilience Maturity Assessment
- Remediation: Righting Wrongs and Restoring Trust
- Remote Working
- The Central Bank of Ireland’s CP86 thematic review and findings
- The importance of people-led change in a technology implementation
- The Internal Audit Function: Post-pandemic challenges and priorities
- Thresholds and Criteria for large MiFID Firms: the new horizon
- VAT Groups
- Share Based Remuneration
- Flexible People Solutions
- New Global Internal Audit Standards: What you need to know
- Unveiling the financial crime dynamics of Ireland’s payments sector
- Financial Services Regulation Outlook 2024-2025
- Getting started with double materiality
- Asset management of the future
- Unlock Ireland 2023
- Economic Advisory
- Finance Solutions for the Insurance Industry
- Operational Excellence and Transformation Services
- Decision-Making Models and using Advanced Estimation Techniques
- Revised Payments Legislative Package: PSD3 and PSR
- Life Sciences Consultancy Services
- Investing in Ireland
- The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
- Consumer Protection Focus in Insurance
- Update to Client Asset Requirements (CAR) 2023
- Complaints and Remediation in Financial Services
- An Overview of the Securing Activity Framework of Enablers (SAFE) Directive
- A Guide to the NewERA Climate Action Framework
- Strategy and Planning
- Embedding Sustainability across our Health Service
- Aviation Advisory Services
- Climate & Environmental Risks Physical Risk Quantification Framework
- Operational Resilience: Focused Solutions
- Squeezed Between Rates and Time
- Public Sector
- Business Intelligence services
- Summary of ECB publications on climate and environmental risk
- Healthcare
- Have you had your bad debt review?
- Rapid application development
- Empowering Finance Transformation for Competitive Advantage
- Optimising Supply Chain Management for Agility and Growth
- Technology, Media and Telecommunications
- Finance at a crossroads
- Scope Emissions Prediction Model Linear Models vs Machine Learning Approach
- Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) - Practical Issues
- The Individual Accountability Framework
- Energy & Utilities Services
- Agri-Food Services
- Project, Portfolio and Programme Management
- Effective Change Management Solutions for People-Centric Organisations
- Irish construction companies in Europe
- Machine learning in IRB
- Technology Risk Services
- Offshore funds
- ESG - Climate and Environmental Risks
- Be a Changemaker
- Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
- Remuneration: What to Expect under the IFR & IFD?
- Internal Governance: what to expect under the IFR & IFD?
- Sustainability as strategy: Adapting for long-term success
- Financial Accounting and Advisory Services
- EU mandatory disclosure requirement
- A Guide to Taxation for the Irish Equine Industry
- Business Continuity Management (BCM)
- Business Process Outsourcing
- PAYE Modernisation – FAQ for employees
- Accelerated Capital Allowances
- Tax issues
- Being well-prepared for an audit is an efficient audit
- Climate risk quantification
- Audit Committees
- International Business Report
- Asset Managers Build Resilience Amid Friction
- Interview with An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar
- Budget 2025
- Budget 2025: Commentary and Analysis
- Budget 2025: Payroll Summary
- How will Budget 2025 affect you and your family?
- Finance Bill 2024
- Cybersecurity risks in AI adoption
- Women in Business 2025
- EU Direct Tax Policy
- Sustainability Innovation Interview series
- Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
- Deals Digest
- Trade Tariffs: Navigating Uncertainty
Meet our people
- Stephen Tennant
- Fergus Condon
- Nuala Crimmins
- Patrick Dillon
- Kevin Foley
- Richard Gillan
- Stephen Murray
- Amanda Ward
- Martin Shanahan
- Maria Afontsenko
- Victoria Armitage
- Louise Barry
- Bronagh Bourke
- Mark Bradley
- Sarah Bradley
- Emma Broderick
- Kevin Coleman
- Gareth Cosgrove
- Ann-Marie Costello
- Jason Crawford
- Frankie Cronin
- Janice Daly
- Robert Fitzgerald
- Gavin Fitzpatrick
- Jonathan Fitzpatrick
- John Glennon
- Jennifer Gosse
- Alan Gourley
- Gwen Haller
- Dan Holland
- Andrew Howie
- Cathal Kelly
- Dara Kelly
- Louise Kelly
- Sasha Kerins
- Peter Legge
- Áine Logan
- David Lynch
- Marie Mannion
- Janette Maxwell
- Sara McAllister
- Trevor McCarron
- Sarah Meredith
- Shahnawaz Mirza
- Brian Murphy
- Michael Neary
- Simon Nicholas
- Julieanne Nolan
- Michael Nolan
- Tim O'Connell
- Oliver O'Connor
- Brian O'Dwyer
- Conor O'Dwyer
- Nicholas O’Dwyer
- Shona O'Hea
- Blaithin O’Neill
- Shane O'Neill
- Brian O'Sullivan
- Jillian O'Sullivan
- Paul Prenter
- Dwayne Price
- Sean Ridley
- Christopher Rogers
- Robert Ryan
- Úna Ryan
- Sharon Scanlan
- Michael Shelley
- Ross Sheridan
- Graham Stirling
- Tracey Sullivan
- Neal Taylor
- Peter Vale
- Declan Walsh
- Gerard Walsh
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News centre
- One in seven Irish businesses lack women in senior management
- Grant Thornton wins “ESG Best Performer of the Year”
- Grant Thornton wins “Audit Firm of the Year – Start-up”
- Grant Thornton Announces Record Number of Partner Appointments
- Grant Thornton Ireland & US Unite
- Grant Thornton and WVE announce strategic partnership
- Season's Greetings
- Over half of Irish mid-sized businesses see ESG as barrier
- Grant Thornton Unites
- Irish businesses least concerned about economic uncertainty impacting growth
- Exchequer returns February 2025
- Budget Delivers For Most Households and Businesses
- Grant Thornton appoints Emma Broderick as new tax partner
- Peter Vale comments on Apple's case verdict
- Irish economic optimism continues to outshine Eurozone counterparts
- Grant Thornton Ireland creates international quantitative risk management hub
- Six-month countdown to landmark N1S2 cybersecurity legislation In Ireland
- Labour costs and inflation concerns lead to business sentiment decline
- Irish businesses report decline in women in senior roles
- Grant Thornton appoints Robert Fitzgerald as new tax partner
- Aviation Advisory revenue surges 40% as Irish market soars
- Grant Thornton announces six new partners
- Over half of Irish businesses faced cyber attacks last year
- Grant Thornton Ireland awarded Investors in Diversity Gold
- Introducing our new CEO
- Peter Vale comments on the latest Apple Ruling
- Peter Vale comments on Budget 2024
- Grant Thornton announces it has created over 1500 new jobs in Ireland in just two years, with further growth planned
- Conor O’Dwyer joins Grant Thornton Ireland as partner
- Grant Thornton’s latest International Business Report finds that 78% of Irish businesses are optimistic for the economic outlook over the course of the next 12 months
- Summer Economic Statement
- Latest Dublin Economic Monitor Shows Growing Economic Activity
- Martin Shanahan officially takes up post as Partner at Grant Thornton
- New Chartered Accountants Ireland president Sinead Donovan vows to bridge gap to Next Generation accountants
- Ready, Set, Go! Just one month to go before GT5K Cork Race
- Galway Chamber and Grant Thornton Launch Galway Economic Monitor
- Grant Thornton’s 5K Series returns for its 12th edition
- Irish businesses prioritise cyber-security, with many boosting investment
- 10% year-on-year increase in the number of women in senior management roles in Ireland
- Irish businesses focus on risk management amid economic uncertainty
- Grant Thornton Ireland announces partnership with Children in Hospital Ireland
- Just 56% of Irish businesses are optimistic about the outlook of Ireland’s economy for the next 12 months
- Grant Thornton recognised at National Diversity & Inclusion Awards 2023
- Grant Thornton Ireland announces six new partners
- Grant Thornton Ireland announces Bermuda firm Arthur Morris & Company Limited to join its network as it expands its global footprint
- EU moves forward with 15% corporate tax rate
- Martin Shanahan appointed Partner at Grant Thornton Ireland to drive ambitious growth plans both in Ireland and Internationally
- Grant Thornton launches Flexible People Solutions
- National Gallery of Ireland is proud to announce Grant Thornton Ireland as new Corporate Partner
- Almost two-thirds of Irish businesses upgrading technical controls to protect against growing risk of cyber-attacks
- Irish businesses remain committed to sustainability in spite of inflationary pressures and rising cost of business
- Irish businesses significantly less optimistic about economic outlook as inflation and international market volatility hamper growth prospects
- valid8Me, the Irish RegTech company, eyes expansion with a €12.5million deal with new majority investor Grant Thornton Ireland.
- Get Up, Lace Up, Get Ready! Grant Thornton’s GT5K series is back with a bang as races set to take place across Ireland
- Grant Thornton introduces new family friendly policies
- Grant Thornton officially opens new state-of-the-art Cork office at Penrose Quay
- Women better supported by new workplace practices but hurdles remain
- Irish businesses look to reduce dependency on UK market as Brexit red-tape issues continue
- Grant Thornton receives Business Working Responsibly mark for sustainability
- Labour shortages and access to talent a major challenge to Irish businesses
- Grant Thornton Ireland highlights growth with appointment of six new partners
- Optimism high among Irish businesses despite growing concerns for skills shortages and rising energy costs
- Significant day for Ireland as corporate tax rate set to move to 15%, for larger groups
- New Irish 15% corporate tax rate for large companies now looks likely
- Irish businesses highlight effects of Brexit as supply chains and red tape hamper growth
- Grant Thornton Ireland launches new Business Voice Programme
- Grant Thornton announces a new Chair
- 61% of Irish businesses are optimistic about the outlook of Ireland’s economy
- Grant Thornton appoints two new partners
- Business leaders must offer a helping hand
- Grant Thornton appoints new Partner to Limerick Tax Practice
- Dublin Airport enters three year partnership with Grant Thornton
- Grant Thornton and RSM Farrell Grant Sparks merge
- About us
- Office Locations
- Private Client: Pension Focus Post-Finance Bill
- Budget 2025
- EU Pay Transparency Directive and Gender Pay Gap Reporting updates
- The Grant Thornton Irish Funds Sustainathon 2024: Information Session
- Navigating FATCA and CRS in 2024
- Funding Advisory Service Workshop December 2023
- AI Unleashed: Empowering Business Leaders
- The Future of Digitisation in the Life Sciences Sector Webinar
- Funding Advisory Service Workshop
- Budget 2024: Webinar
- New Employer Reporting Obligations
- Future of Healthcare: a focus on Sustainability
- Tax Practitioners Event
- Evolving European Regulatory Landscape – what you need to know
- Accounting, Tax and Company Law update
- Irish Business Voice Report launch
- Grant Thornton and BPFI Complaints
- Activate 2023: Investing in our future - Technology and ESG
- Insurance Regulatory Breakfast Briefing: Focus on Operational Resilience
- Webinar
- Covid-19 EWSS – Revenue’s Self-Review of Eligibility
- Asset Management Conference 2022
- International Tax Webinar – Ireland’s place in a changing global landscape
- The future CFO: Accelerating the Inevitable
- Irish Investment Property 2022 - May
- Irish Investment Property 2022 - April
- Business Voice Webinar Series
- So you think you know Payroll?
- Cost of Cybercrime
- Practitioners Series Session 4: IP Management – funding, tax, protection
- Workforce Management in a post pandemic working environment
- Insolvency, Restructuring and Funding Advisory
- Our Credentials
- Sustainathon
- Business & Finance ESG Awards
- Dublin Fast Track
- Disclaimer