Companies often incur financial difficulties for a number of reasons; industry change, macro/micro environmental changes or losses of key contracts / customers, to name a few.

In such circumstances, and where a company does not have a prospect of a future, the company needs to be liquidated and wound up. 

A Creditors Voluntary Liquidation (CVL) is the winding up of a company by directors where the company is insolvent and has no reasonable prospect of a future.     

A CVL enables a director to move on from a difficult position as a liquidator in a CVL will take responsibility of the company and managing its affairs and winding up through the liquidation process.   

Our Creditors Voluntary Liquidation services

Assess the position with our experienced team by your side, providing comprehensive analysis of the options that will drive the process efficiently from start to finish.

Our experts will identify and recover all available assets through a robust process that will maximise returns to stakeholders as efficiently as possible.

We conduct our investigations into the company to report to stakeholders as to the reasons for failure and also to identify and maximise any recovery options available.

Why Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton boasts a proven track record in successfully managing Creditor Voluntary Liquidations, offering tailored solutions to ensure the best outcome achievable. 

Our experts have invaluable experience from working on some of Ireland’s largest liquidations across all industries, from single company liquidations to large corporate group winding ups.

Utilising this experience they will guide you through the process from appointment to the winding up / dissolution of the company.