Training a workforce for an unknown future
Technology Training a workforce for an unknown future
The world around us is changing – changing at a pace that appears to be exponential at the very least. The inception of advanced AI learning systems such as Open AI’s ‘ChatGPT’ has allowed the technology to take centre stage on the world podium, and not entirely for the right reasons.
Imelda Rey
Three Threats the Mid-market Saw Coming in 2023
Independent Business Review Three Threats the Mid-market Saw Coming in 2023
As they entered 2023, most business leaders in the mid-market kept had their focus on three top-of-mind threats: inflation, cyber-attack and the economic slowdown.
Guidelines on Cyber Security Specifications
Cyber Security Guidelines on Cyber Security Specifications
Cybersecurity attacks on the supply chain have increased dramatically particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)’s annual Threat Landscape report showed a significantly growing threat targeting suppliers of critical services which accounts for more than 16% increase in attacks between 2020 and 2021 and continues to increase up to this day. Clearly, cybersecurity best practices must be applied right at the earliest time possible when acquiring technology and related services.
Mike Harris
Rida Villanueva
| 1 min read |
ChatGPT and Beyond: Microsoft’s Vision for the Future of Conversational Artificial Intelligence
Technology Consulting ChatGPT and Beyond: Microsoft’s Vision for the Future of Conversational Artificial Intelligence
Why is Microsoft making this investment and integrating ChatGPT into its full product suite? What does ChatGPT mean for businesses? Artificial intelligence is not a new concept, so what is new about ChatGPT? The key difference is that it has optimised human dialogue and language. This means you do not need to be an AI guru to interact with it and find the answers you need.
Colin O’Brien
| 4 min read |
Technology, Media and Telecommunications
Business Consulting Technology, Media and Telecommunications
Firms operating in the technology, media and telecommunication (TMT) sector face the challenging task of delivering value through continuous adaptation and innovation, whilst also ensuring competitive differentiation and improved customer experiences. Our step-by-step approach to business consulting accounts for your specific needs, circumstances and strategic goals. Our clients can attest to the value that we bring, delivering actionable recommendations and measurable benefits.
Elaine Daly
| 1 min read |
SOC 2: What? Why? How?
Business Risk Services SOC 2: What? Why? How?
As the use of cloud, data processing, data storage, and ‘everything-as-a-service’ organisations has proliferated, so too has the need for entities to address the risks associated with the use of service organisations.