Business Risk Services

The Irish Cyber Security Baseline Standards

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As part of the National Cyber Security Strategy 2019-2024, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), in conjunction with the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), have developed the Standards which are intended to create an acceptable level of security and form a broad framework for a set of measures which can be revised over time.

The Standards model follows a holistic and comprehensive approach to the issues related to Cyber Security which combines the best of various standards to address the needs of key stakeholders.

On 30 November, the Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has published the Standards and associated implementation guidelines for use by Public Service Bodies.

Key Elements of the Cyber Security Baseline Standards

  • The Baseline Standard is aligned with the international standards and phased in across all Public Service Bodies (PSBs).
  • Compliance with the standard will be adhered to at local PSB level with support and guidance provided by the NCSC.
  • The Baseline Measures include MANDATORY protective security outcomes that all PSBs are required to achieve.
  • The Baseline Standards align with the NIST Cyber Security Framework 1.1.

The Cyber Security Baseline Standard compromises of 5 different "themes" that form a framework for the set of Baseline Measures. The themes are:

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The baseline standards are a welcome addition to Ireland’s Cyber defence and provide a clear guidance for public sector bodies in enhancing their Cyber security capability.

In addition, awareness of these standards will assist Irish organisations understand and manage their Cyber risk.

Download the full Baseline Standards