People & Change Consulting

Helping you comply with Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2022

Jillian O'Sullivan
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Supporting organisations to close the ‘Gender Pay Gap’ by creating a clear and concise strategy that not only seeks to meet regulatory requirements but also creates an opportunity to enhance your employer value proposition and improve employee engagement.

The topic of the gender pay gap isn’t anything new, but what is new is the Government’s introduction of the legislative basis for gender pay gap reporting and regulations. On International Women’s Day 2022, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, announced the introduction of gender pay gap reporting in Ireland.

Employers will choose a ‘snapshot’ date of their employees in June 2022 and will report on the hourly gender pay gap for those employees on the same date in December 2022. This will need to include the mean and median hourly wage gap, data on bonus pay, the mean and median pay gaps for part-time employees and for employees on temporary contracts and the proportions of male and female employees in the lower, lower middle, upper middle and upper quartile pay bands.

This reporting requirement will help to ensure pay transparency exists in organisations, and will play an important role in achieving gender equality in the workplace. The reporting is a landmark victory for the fair pay campaign, but its not going to be without its challenges for employers.

Grant Thornton have experts who can help support your organisation with the adoption of this new legislation. We will support you by helping you plan and execute a strategy that will embrace this reporting requirement, and also see your organisation seize the opportunity this creates.

Within this publication, we show how we can help make this reporting and legislation both seamless and worth while for your organisation.