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People and Change Consulting

People and Change Consulting - Strategic workforce planning

Imelda Rey Imelda Rey

At Grant Thornton our aim is to give clients a greater understanding of the composition of their workforce both now and in the future. With our help, clients can feel confident that they have the right people, with the right skills, in the right positions to not only deliver today but also in the future as the business changes and grows. This does not happen by chance but by thorough planning and an integrated development approach. Our strategic workforce planning specialists help our clients to consider their workforce requirements for the medium and long term, aligned to deliver their business strategy.

We work closely with our clients to:

  • conduct a talent review to assess the existing workforce capacities and capabilities;
  • discuss and define future workforce requirements, taking into account the organisation’s vision and strategy, and emerging factors;
  • identify mission critical roles and identify potential successors, preparing a development plan for those identified to ensure they are fully prepared for the new position;
  • identify retention risks;
  • develop a targeted development plan for each level, to engage and retain employees and help them take responsibility for career management;
  • prepare a recruitment and training plan to support organisations’ growth plans, defining the right balance between external recruitment needs and internal development;
  • assist managers with conducting meaningful performance discussions, provide feedback; and
  • report to the board using a talent dashboard.