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People and Change Consulting

People and Change Consulting - Learning and Development

Imelda Rey Imelda Rey

Developing talent at all levels is critical to an organisation’s performance and potential. People need access to Learning and Development (L&D) opportunities to not only enable them to do their current job well, but to help prepare them for future challenges. A robust L&D strategy is closely aligned to the corporate strategy and creates a talent pipeline.

At Grant Thornton we know that modern learners want learning that is personalised, in bite-size chunks, social and timely. ‘Just enough, just in time, just for me’ is the mantra for today’s audience. We work with our clients to develop tailored and blended learning solutions. We support our clients with the transformation of L&D functions, also advising on L&D strategy and operating models.

Our People and Change Consulting team offer a range of support in our proven end-to-end learning solutions, including:

  • Training Needs Analysis (TNA) – to uncover current and future requirements for skills, knowledge and behaviours, aligned to corporate strategy;
  • identifying world class learning methodologies;
  • harnessing technology to develop modern and engaging, inclusive, social learning programmes that can be accessed via mobile devices;
  • delivering bespoke tactical and sustainable learning interventions aligned to the needs and learning styles of the audience;
  • identifying an evaluation methodology that can measure impact;
  • supporting with L&D transformation, advising on operating models and helping to develop an L&D strategy aligned to corporate strategy and organisational objectives;
  • conducting train the trainer sessions with internal L&D teams; and
  • developing solutions to transfer knowledge and expertise into the workplace, enabling sustainability and knowledge-transfer, which is key in delivering behavioural change.

We adopt a flexible approach to helping our clients with their L&D needs and offer a fresh perspective and up-to-date methodologies to make the investment in training pay dividends.