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Business Consulting

Business Continuity Voucher

A new voucher scheme has been launched by Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Office as part of the Lean Business Offer to assist companies during the current pandemic. The Business Continuity Voucher is available to companies to access up to €2,500 in training or advisory services support related to the continued operation of their businesses during the current pandemic.

The voucher is designed to allow organisations who have, or are currently facing COVID-19 challenges, or organisations planning for a post COVID-19 environment to avail of advisory supports at no additional cost to their business.

See further details here: Enterprise Ireland or Local Enterprise Office

As part of the Business Continuity Voucher Grant Thornton can support your organisation with the following services:

  • Project and Change management - supporting your organisation to manage risk or resistance associated with COVID-19 projects or in recommencing projects impacted by COVID-19;
  • Operational Excellence - improved business process efficiencies to enhance quality, improve speed and reduce cost;
  • Supply Chain Management – support in optimising your supply chain during the crisis and planning for post crisis;
  • Finance Transformation – review of finance strategy, model and consideration for finance process optimisation.
  • Strategic Planning - identifying and implementing a vision for the future direction of the organisation as the landscape has changed, planning for reopening operations, planning of how to bring resources back to work or how to implement social distancing measures in the future;
  • Whatever your business needs to support your organisation through COVID-19, we can help you to move forward and identify and implement efficiently and effortlessly. Talk to us about services we offer and how we can support you in progressing and improving your business.