2025 marks the 21st year of Grant Thornton’s work to monitor and measure the proportion of women occupying senior management roles in mid-market companies around the world.
Grant Thornton's Audit Committee Hub supports audit committee members and non-executive directors in meeting the demands of their day to day roles. Keeping pace with an ever-changing governance, risk, internal control and financial reporting landscape is challenging.
Our Audit Committee Hub seeks to support those in a governance capacity by sharing pragmatic subject matter expertise and trusted guidance via:
- Thematic thought leadership
- Industry updates and surveys
- Financial reporting bulletins
- Best practice insights
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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Women in Business 2025

Employer Solutions
Share Based Remuneration
Employers can offer many different share schemes to their employees or directors, often as a way of rewarding employees and encouraging loyalty and participation in a tax efficient manner.

Share-Based Remuneration: Revenue’s Compliance Focus
During 2022, the Revenue Commissioners launched a share-based remuneration project. Revenue analysed employer annual share reporting forms (e.g. Form RSS1) against available data such as personal tax returns. They identified discrepancies such as employees under-declaring share option tax and underpaying Capital Gains Tax (CGT).

EU Commission Opens Public Consultation on “Set 1” of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRSs)
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (“EFRAG”) submitted to the European Commission its technical advice on the first set (“set 1”) of draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (“ESRSs”) on the 22 November 2022. This included 2 “cross cutting” ESRSs (General Requirements and General Disclosures) and 10 “topical” standards across Environmental, Social and Governance topics.

Business Risk Services
A Guide to the NewERA Climate Action Framework
In August 2022, the Irish Government approved the Climate Action Framework (“the Framework”) for the commercial semi-State sector. Developed by the New Economy and Recovery Authority (NewERA) in collaboration with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, the Framework applies to all commercial semi-State (CSS) companies.

Audit and Assurance
Auditor transition: how to achieve a smooth changeover
Appointing new auditors may seem like a daunting task that will be disruptive to your business and a drain on the finance function. Nevertheless, there are a multitude of reasons to consider a change, including simply seeking a ‘fresh look’ at the business.