From preparing accounts under IFRS 17 and the forthcoming changes to Solvency II, to changes in customer expectations, climate change, the gig economy, AI, robotics and automation; insurance companies are operating in an ever changing landscape. Keeping abreast of these changes is a challenge for many firms but is crucial to their success; early planning and preparedness are crucial.

Grant Thornton Ireland’s Insurance teams deliver practical and pragmatic solutions across a full range of disciplines from risk and regulatory, through audit and actuarial, to IT and tax. Clients benefit from the combined expertise of our teams of audit professionals, actuaries, tax specialists and advisory consultants on a variety of insurance-related issues.

We understand the challenges facing insurance companies, and we take special care to put together the perfect team to address your specific needs. The Grant Thornton Insurance team includes a mix of industry experience, ex-regulators and experienced consultants.

Our Services

Our team works with insurance sector clients, supporting them in meeting the challenges and developing the opportunities possible in this rapidly evolving environment. We pride ourselves on providing personal attention and tailored responses.

  • Actuarial
  • Data Analytics
  • Governance, Risk and Controls Assurance and Advisory
  • Consulting
  • Digital and Fintech
  • Internal Audit
  • Audit
  • Tax
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Forensic and Investigation
  • Conduct Risk and Culture

Why Grant Thornton?

Grant Thornton’s whole firm approach offers insurance clients attempting to deal with these issues solutions which span the full range of disciplines from IT, through advisory, audit and actuarial, to tax. Whether it’s the annual audit, tax, a project to prepare for the implementation of IFRS 17, a regulatory transaction, a regulatory risk mitigation programme or a lack of resources internally, clients benefit from the combined expertise of a cross-departmental Grant Thornton team.

Our team has significant industry and regulatory experience ensuring we are well placed to understand both the regulatory requirements and the practical implications of those requirements on insurance firms. Our expertise spans the full range of insurance sectors and our global reach means we can bring international experience to bear on behalf of our Irish based clients to provide you with practical solutions for your needs.